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Building High Impact Nature-Based Solutions
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Our Impact / Climate & Nature / Calls to Action / Building High Impact Nature-Based Solutions

Building High Impact Nature-Based Solutions


Programme Partner: Southeast Asia Climate and Nature-based Solutions (SCeNe) Coalition

Region: SEA

Activities to protect and better manage our natural ecosystems, commonly referred to as Nature-based Solutions (NbS), are essential to address the climate and biodiversity crises. Southeast Asia is a priority area to establish NbS as it accounts for 15% of the world's tropical forests, 35% of coral reefs, and 25 million hectares of peatland. It is home to over 650 million people representing a rich diversity in communities, landscapes, plants and animals.

To accelerate and increase investments in high-quality NbS that deliver positive outcomes, eight international not-for-profit conservation organisations have come together to establish the Southeast SCeNe Coalition*. The objectives of the SCeNe Coalition are to:

  • Direct carbon and climate finance towards just and equitable climate mitigation and adaptation projects and the conservation of biodiversity and critical habitat;
  • Accelerate and scale up demand for and supply of NbS in Southeast Asia and demonstrate high quality NbS for climate; and
  • Ensure that the growth of NbS for carbon sequestration genuinely delivers positive impacts for climate, biodiversity, and local people (“triple benefits”).

In line with these objectives, the Coalition is focused on making data available, showcasing the best practices in developing high-quality NbS for climate projects, strengthening the capacity to implement high-quality triple-benefit NbS and enabling access to financing.


Further reading

International Blue Carbon Institute

Building capacity and expertise to design and implement high-quality blue carbon projects

Scaling Ocean Conservation through Protection and Production

Conservation of the Wetlands of the East Asian Australasian Flyway

Protecting and sustainably managing wetlands to address biodiversity loss

Protecting Marine Ecosystems

Establishing a biodiversity baseline for marine conservation and restoration

Decarbonising Rice

Reducing methane emissions and improving farmer livelihoods

Regional Energy Management Initiative

Providing catalytic support to drive energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions

SEAFOAM - The Ocean as a Vital Climate Solution

Leveraging the ocean's power to reduce emissions

Protecting Mangroves – The Mangrove 40 Initiative

Restoring mangrove ecosystems through innovative financing solutions

Jatropha - A Sustainable Crop for Biofuels

Enabling sustainable growth of high-value biofuel crops to improve livelihoods

Accelerating Resilient and Circular Cities

Implementing circularity projects on food, plastics, and the built environment